General Rules of Use
The Rock Island County Historical Society is happy to have you visit us, and use our collections. But, the Society must weight the importance of the preservation and the protection of our collection, especially the fragile, unusual, and irreplaceable items with the use of the collection. To ensure our collection's protection, the Society has instituted General Rules Of Use, which all researchers and visitors must follow.

General Rules of Use: No pens, food, or drink are permitted in the library. No large bags are allowed in the researching area. Lockers are available for researchers to secure their bags and personal belongings. Laptops are allowed, and the library has WiFi available for those with wireless capability. No scanners, cameras, or any other document, image, and sound recording device may be used in the library. However, members can bring in their own personal cameras and hand scanning wands to use in our newspaper collections.
Photocopies may be made for 25-cents, all at the discretion of the Rock Island County Historical Society. The archival collections, and materials that are fragile and/or brittle or protected by any restriction set by the donor, cannot be photocopied. For more information, please review the Society's and Photograph and Copying
Use Policy, or contact the Society at (309) 764-8590 or