Joining the Rock Island County Historical Society (RICHS) is easy, and it helps to ensure the legacy of the RICHS. As a part of your membership, you will be informed of the events happening at RICHS and the history of our county. Rock Island County Historical Society membership runs calendar year (January 1 - December 31).

Benefits of Membership Include:
Four newsletters per year that include articles about historical happenings in Rock Island County, what is happening at the The Society, and information on our new collections.
Invitations to special events that the Rock Island County Historical Society hosts, such as our Music Soiree and Silent Art Auction and Picnic.
Reduced ticket prices and advanced notice of Special Events at RICHS.
Dinner meetings are held twice a year in May and November. Members may invite guests to the dinners which include programs of historical interest. The dinners are held at various sites in the county. Special Events are held at various times during the year.
Reduced researching fee for having the RICHS staff conduct research. Members are entitled to a $12.00 per ho
ur fee for having the Rock Island County Historical Society staff do research, $3.00 reduction in the $15.00 fee. Of course, doing the research yourself is free.
Free in-house research. Staff members will be present to answer your questions.
Preserving the history of Rock Island County. Your membership fee goes to help support the society's preservation efforts, to ensure that future generations can have access to our history.
If you would like to receive these benefits, please print out the application below and mail it to us with your membership dues. Memberships and Gifts/Donations are tax deductible. Memberships can be paid online by using PayPal on the Donation Page. Please add a 3% convenience fee to your MEMEBRSHIP DUES to the total to cover the 3% PayPal Surcharge fee that we charged for e-payment (for example $1.00 for $30.00 Dues or $1.50 for $50.00 dues etc). If you have any questions, please call the Membership Chairperson.
Print out a membership form