Volunteering at the Rock Island County Historical Society is a great way to learn more about history while working to collect, preserve a

nd disseminate our history for the enjoyment of future generations. Volunteering at the Rock Island County Historical Society also provides a way to get connected to members of our community interested in the history of our community. Meeting new people, learning and sharing information, and making a real contribution to the Society are just a few of the benefits volunteers can receive for their time and effort. RICHS has over twenty-five volunteers currently working on these goals, and we are always looking for more volunteers to add to our team both publicly and behind-the-scenes at the Society, and for special events.
RICHS offers a wide variety of different positions to fit the interests in of our volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering at RICHS, please call (309) 764-8590 or e-mail us at
richs@netexpress.net for more information.
Current Volunteer Positions
Researching Help - Volunteers will help patrons locate the information they are searching for as they come in the library.
House Museum Tour Guides - Volunteers will help give tours of the Atkinson-Peek House, Library & Archive, and Carriage House & Clothes Loft.
Grounds - Volunteers help maintain the grounds at RICHS, including the patio garden, and flowers and shrubs surrounding the entrances at the Society.
Newspaper and Website Database - Volunteers will help index the newspaper collection at the RICHS for the database. Position requires basic computer skills, and interest in local history.
Archivist Assistant - Volunteers work to help preserve and catalog materials donated to the Society with the archivist.
Filing - Volunteer will file cards and folders as they are created.
Volunteer positions are open to all individuals, without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, or disability.